(2019) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 7–20
Title of the article Impact of the Micro-Environment in the Determination of Criminal Behavior of Minors
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, senior lecturer, department of state security, faculty of Kyiv, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, n.gradeckaja@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 4
Pages [7–20]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The article explores the role of negative family microenvironment as a major determinant of juvenile delinquency. This issue has been investigated by various authors for over 120 years. Almost all researchers have drawn parallels between the two phenomena – dysfunctional family and crime. However, many of the conclusions drawn by previous researchers do not find their evidence based on modern empirics. Therefore, the issue has not been fully resolved.
The purpose of the article – to identify the potential impact of a negative microenvironment, including the family, on the determination of juvenile misconduct.
In order to achieve this goal, an empirical study was conducted using the sociological method and the content analysis method of official documents. Of course, other general research methods have also been used.
Based on a study of the materials, it was found that about 10% of families are actively involved with teenagers in crime. Knowing the peculiarities of these families makes it possible to characterize criminally the involvement of minors in committing a crime. First, practice has shown that engaging in crime, persuasion, blackmail, threat or violence can be a means of involvement. Second, if one considers the role of the family in committing the crime from the point of view of complicity, the family may act as an organizer or instigator of criminal activity. The involvement of such families in the determination of the crime of a minor makes it possible to consider to some extent this type of family disadvantage as the cause (main, determining factor) of the criminal behavior of the minor. The study of criminal cases shows that almost 9% of those who induce minors to commit a crime are found in almost 9% of cases; and the predominant type of related relationship is “father-son”, cousins.
Families who create the conditions for juvenile delinquency are indulged in (90%). In such families there is no deliberate action of the family on the teenager, but there is a neglect of the child’s interests, the formation of socially disapproved personal properties, the satisfaction of her needs (not only material), the lack of proper social control over her behavior, which ultimately leads to exit of the teenager on a criminal way. In this case, the influence of the family on the crime is not direct but indirect, contributing to the development of the criminal activity of the teenager by distorting his inner personal position.
Proposed authors look at the concept and typology of family problems. The typologization of disadvantaged families, based on their intrinsic characteristics, gives the opportunity to characterize in detail the impact of family disadvantage on the formation of the personality of a juvenile offender, while the classification of families based on their role in the determination of juvenile criminal behavior gives the basis for a deeper impact.
Keywords disadvantaged family; dysfunctional family; minor; defects of family education; forming personality of a minor criminal; prevention of minors delinquency; generally social measures; special-criminological measures.
Authored books
1. Makeiev S, Sotsiolohiia: navch. posibnyk [Sociology: teach. manual] (Ukrainska entsyklopediia 1999) 344 (in Ukranian).
2. Sibirjakov S, Preduprezhdenie deviantnogo povedenija molodezhi (metodologicheskie i prikladnye aspekty): monografija [Prevention of Youth Deviant Behavior (Methodological and Applied Aspects): monograph] (VJuI MVD Rossii 1998) (in Russian).
3. Celujko V, Psihologija neblagopoluchnoj sem’i: posobie [Psychology of a Dysfunctional Family: a manual] (Vlados-Press 2003) (in Russian).
Edited books
4. Kuznecova N, ‘Metodologija kriminogennoj determinacii’ [‘Methodology of Criminogenic Determination’] Aktual’nye problemy ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii [Actual Problems of Criminal Law and Criminology] (Vsesojuz. in-t po izuch. prichin i razrab. mer preduprezhdenija prestupnosti 1981) (in Russian).
5. Min’kovskij G, ‘Sem’ja i preduprezhdenie pravonarushenij sredi nesovershennoletnih i molodezhi’ [‘Family and the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth’] Aktual’nye zadachi sovetskogo prava po ukrepleniju sem’i i preduprezhdeniju pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih v sovetskih respublikah Pribaltiki [Actual Tasks of Soviet Law to Strengthen the Family and Prevent Juvenile Delinquency in the Soviet Republics of the Baltic] (B I 1979) t 1 (in Russian).
6. Shestakov D, ‘Krizis sem’i i prestupnost’’ [‘Family Crisis and Crime’] Kriminologija – ХХ vek [Criminology – XX century] (Juridicheskij centr Press 2000) (in Russian).
Thesis abstracts
7. Kosheleva E, ‘Kriminologicheskoe izuchenie vlijanija social’no-negativnyh svojstv sem’i na prestupnost’ nesovershennoletnih’ [‘Criminological Study of the Influence of the Socially Negative Properties of Seven on Juvenile Delinquency’] (avtoref dis kand jurid nauk, Moskovskij universitet MVD Rossii 2005) (in Russian).
8. Lebedeva A, ‘Sem’ja nesovershennoletnego pravonarushitelja kak ob”ekt profilaktiki prestuplenij’ [‘The Family of a Juvenile Delinquent as an Object of Crime Prevention’] (avtoref dis kand jurid nauk, Sovremennyj gummanitarnyj institut 2000) (in Russian).
Conference papers
9. Marmazynska P, ‘Typy neblahopoluchnykh simei ta yikh vplyv na ditei’ [‘Types of Disadvantaged Families and Their Impact on Children’] Pidhotovka pedahohichnykh kadriv i diialnist navchalnykh zakladiv novoho typu v systemi natsionalnoi osvity: dosvid i perspektyvy rozvytku: mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [Teaching Staff Training and Activities of New Type of Educational Institutions in the National Education System: Experience and Development Prospects: international scientific-practical conference] (Prut 1998) ch 1 (in Ukranian).
10. ‘Statystychna informacia pro osib, yaki vchynyly kryminalni pravoporushennia za sichen – gruden 2017 r.’ [‘Statistical information on persons who committed criminal offenses for January – December 2017’] (Heneralna procuratura Ukrainy) URL: accessed 10 November 2019 (in Ukranian).
11. ‘Statystychna informacia pro osib, jaki vchynyly kryminalni pravoporushennja za sichen – gruden 2018 r.’ [‘Statistical information on persons who committed criminal offenses for January – December 2018’] (Heneralna procuratura Ukrainy) URL: accessed 10 November 2019 (in Ukranian).
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